
Discover the power to transform your health at Polarity Health LLC.

Our mission is to provide information and empower individuals and families to take control of their health, without relying on traditional treatments or medical care.

My health started deteriorating in 2015. I started applying Asa’s advice about 3 months ago and I’ve fully resolved my gut issues, joint pains, vertigo, redness of my eyes, acne, brain fog, a lot of psychiatric symptoms (that I got after some concussions), and private part problems. I also have nerve pain in my head from one of my concussions that has gotten so much better, and I have had general fatigue since 2015 that has gotten a lot better and keeps improving. I am extremely grateful to have met Asa and am planning on continuing to work with him. His advice works, and he is super smart and one of the most open minded guys I know. I have been recommending him to people I know with health issues.


Zain Ruiz

I have got to know Asa on a Facebook group where he, commenting on one of my post, attracted my attention by very unusual self-healing approach to the cancer problem.

I was looking for answers after the the death of my wife which was caused by the cancer of uterus and ovaries. Both her and me were following so called Primal Diet by Aajonus Vonderplanitz for at least 4-5 years. None-the-less she got cancer…

Asa Santiago offered his explanation which caught my attention and I started to follow his Facebook group called My Doctors Says. I have immediately understood that Asa is extremely open minded and knowledgeable person who doesn’t follow commonly accepted scientific theories but does his own in depth research and experiments. I have read all of his posts and articles which were full of reason and logic. His personal healing story inspired me to ask him if he would be able to give me some advice. For last 10 years I was searching for a diet which would give me lots of stamina, resilience, clarity of mind and feeling of wellbeing. I didn’t have any health problems but have always felt that there is a diet which would help me to become a better man, give me energy to keep up my work at the top notch level of professionalism and speed up recovery after intense physical activity sessions.

I had a Skype session with Asa which was followed by many messages with explanations and advices about his own method of self healing.
After 2 months of following the protocols he used on himself I got many improvements in the way how I feel and function.

Those are:

Better sleep

I have stopped having soreness and tension in the muscles which I had for years. It felt as I had some sort of chronic inflammation and just after 2 weeks of following Asa’s protocol it started to disappear.

I have pretty slender body type but I had some stubborn “hormonal” belly fat layer which was gone after 4 weeks.

The 20/4 intermittent fasting became very natural and easy. I don’t have any desire to snack, I have very steady energy levels even if I do heavy physical work or long surfing sessions.

Very easy and painless 24 hours dry fasting once a week. I have tried fasting before but it was always a pain in the ass and I always had headaches and very strong feeling of hunger. It felt like a torture before and now it’s so easy and effortless.
I have not done 3 days fasting yet but sometimes soon I will try it.

One of the most surprising effects of Asa’s self-healing protocol was complete lack of desire to jerk off just after 5-6 days. I think this is something which lots of guys are struggling with, at least I had this problem for years. Now, after 2 month on the Diet, I still have no desire to do it.

I must say that it’s not easy to follow the protocol but its absolutely worth it! It took me about 3 weeks to stop having cravings for milk and cream and restructure the way how my taste buds perceive the flavors. After 3 weeks I really started to enjoy the taste of raw meat and fat without any seasoning except salt and it fells like I been always eating this way.

I can say without any doubt that Asa’s method is the most healing and energy giving dietary method I have tried so far and I am planing to follow it for as long as I can. It’s also very easy because you just eat two things: meat and fat. I almost don’t go to supermarkets anymore, I go to the butcher and get from him my beef and sheep’s tail fat, and that’s it!


Max Doronin

I’d highly recommend Asa to anyone who is ready to take control of their health and stick to it. Unfortunately, it will come at the price of never being able to see food, gut health, or chronic illness, in any capacity, the same way ever again. This is something I’m still trying to come to terms with. 

However, for all of my life I believed that illness or disease was something that just happened. You roll the genetic lottery and just hope to God you’re the lucky one. I come from a family where both of my parents have autoimmune diseases, so obviously I was destined for greatness from the start. It wasn’t until I started talking with Asa and following what protocols he applied for his own health (albeit loosely in some respects, I probably eat more carbs still than he would like) that I began to learn and understand that we have been programmed by a for-profit industry for decades to believe that chronic illness just happens. You’re a product of your genes and that’s all there is to it. And better yet, they have a drug they can sell you that will kind of make you feel ok, but also cause several other things that you will need more of their drugs for. 

In the short time I’ve worked with Asa I’ve had an almost complete remission of my unexplained neurological symptoms, a huge improvement in my digestion (I definitely have fungal/parasites that still need to be addressed), and a severe drop off of anxiety. I have more energy, my joints don’t hurt anymore, my horrible vericose veins aren’t causing me pain anymore, my mental state is changing and I am less reactive. There is nothing more empowering then knowing you have full control of your health, and I think too many people have left that thinking up to their doctors and they are paying severely for it. It took a while of discomfort to get through to what I consider this first “level” of healing. I won’t say I felt great right away, it’s hard, and requires much trial and error. But I am already reaping the benefits! I’m hoping I can stick on this path and continue to improve my health with the help of Asa and further distance myself from western medicine.


Jessica L.

Deciding to include Asa along in my improvement journey was a great decision.
Health suggestions given to me by Asa to heal myself made me feel a lot better and produced great results.

Asa offers quick and well-thought out helpful insights and fantastic tips.
Asa is able to explain why he recommends everything that he does and is great at explaining unfamiliar concepts.
I think anyone will find extremely benefit in consulting and following Asa’s health reviews and solutions.


Marina V.

Asa always gives great advice when it comes to health and how to heal yourself. He is extremely knowledgeable. He makes detailed studies more digestible to the average person and has personally helped me understand how deep true health is. Some of the things he taught me were about how the gut microbiome works and how to improve it through diet and fasting. Dry fasting especially has helped me push past my weight loss plateau and helped improve my skin. Asa is always encouraging and engaging when coaching people I to a better lifestyle.


Chrissy W.