Polarity Health

Polarity Health LLC

Elevate your health Elevate your relationships

We prioritize functional gut health, relationship fulfillment, and purpose alignment for optimal immune health, hormonal balance, and a purposeful life.

Full transformation with health

Chris Janson

Chris worked 1:1 with Asa to transform not only his body, but his entire life. He has completed both Step 1 and Step 2 to much benefit.

“I’d put Asa’s knowledge against any doctor I’ve ever encountered in my life.”

Transform Your Life in Just 90 Days With Our 'Trauma Diets' & Lifestyle Practices

Health is Individual & Diverse

See what previous clients have to say about how they found their way to better health with our guidance.

Reduce Exposure to Environmental Pollutants

“I was diagnosed with CFS/ME and no specialist could help me, no one had any answers for me. Asa and I went through various attempts to get past my problem, and finally after moving somewhere with more sunlight my entire life changed for the better.”

~ Lindsey R.

Optimize the Microbiome

“After working with Asa, I found that microbes in our bodies can be a seriously beneficial thing and or a really bad thing.”

~ Max K.

Mineral Balancing and Natural Heavy Metal Removal with Trusted Partners

“Mineral balancing has changed my life. When Asa pointed me in the direction of Clark’s program after going to absolute extremes with diet, I had no idea just how out of balance I was in terms of mineral composition.”

~ Oliver G.

Discover the Power of Breathwork & Meditation 

“Asa told me about the importance of breathing for my stress levels and how nose breathing supplies nitric oxide to my white blood cells for added immunity.”

~ Lorrie B.

Navigating Personal Relationships: Dealing with Challenging Family Dynamics

“I had done Asa’s Step 1 program and it hugely benefited my health, but doing Step 2 was so easy to do, and after several years of failing to conceive, we finally succeeded when my wife became more feminine and I more masculine.”

~ Chris J.

Exercise for Optimal Health: Get Inspired and Stay Active

“Health is a triad, our physical fitness, spiritual and mental health all matter. Really focusing on making sure to workout while eating well and aligning myself fully has really made me feel more masculine when working with Asa!”

~ Ben G.

Step 1 Overview
(How it all works)

Investigate the root cause

Discover the underlying reasons for your health issues. Delving into your health history is crucial for crafting a personalized action plan.


Order and review labs

Utilize accurate data for informed choices. While we don’t diagnose, accessing and analyzing lab tests can set clear health objectives.

Labs may be recommended based on individual circumstances and budget considerations.

Establish a short-term plan

Initiate a focused short-term health plan. Use insights to empower yourself for an effective start toward better health.


Commit to a long-term plan

Once we define the goal and confirm our client’s situation, our self-healing model guides them in devising a long-term healing strategy.

See the wins!


We empower clients with proven functional approaches for better health.

The primary objective is to empower and educate our clients, enabling them to take charge of their own healing journey using proven functional approaches. Unlike traditional models focused on maintaining repeat customers, our mission is to make a meaningful difference in a world where individuals proactively prioritize their health, moving away from profit-driven institutional treatments.

Our Mission

Unleashing Human Potential: Empowering Healing and Wellness.

At Polarity Health, we redefine well-being, transcending the ordinary. Our focus extends beyond physical health to unlock your full potential. Addressing core issues, we foster a profound gut-brain connection. True healing starts at the cellular level, influencing both physical and mental well-being. We empower individuals to uncover and eliminate the roots of their unique challenges, fostering genuine health and holistic wellness. Our mission is to guide you towards optimal gut health, meaningful relationships, and alignment with your purpose.

The Founder - Asa Santiago

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From endocrine disrupted to highly masculine, meet Asa Santiago

Asa emerged from the depths of systemic health challenges—systemic Candidiasis, chronic mold toxicity leading to Bell’s palsy, vaccine injury, heavy metal toxicity, and childhood trauma disrupting his endocrine system. A fervent advocate for holistic health, he champions what saved his life.

Asa is an ‘unschooled’ autodidactic Certified Survival Guide and Wilderness First Responder from Northwest Survival School who is also a Certified Functional Nutritionist accredited by Functional Nutrition Alliance.

Asa has trained Medical Doctors, Licensed Therapists, various PhDs, Registered Dieticians, Naturopaths, Homeopaths, Life Coaches, Health Coaches, and many more in Functional Medicine.

Frequently Asked Questions

Sometimes the desire to eat that chocolate bar after a stressful day happens…

Weaknesses for chocolate doesn’t mean getting money back.

However, if we don’t achieve any headway in guiding the individual to heal themselves, we will issue a full refund.

Asa is certified by Functional Nutrition Alliance as a Functional Nutritionist.

We don’t. We guide others to heal themselves by giving them the knowledge to get to the right places with added encouragement. We DOT NOT treat any specific medical conditions. We work to achieve overall full-spectrum health for the individual.

Yes, please contact us to discuss a negotiated price to get the entire family on board in a process to heal as a whole from every angle possible. 

Polarity Health is a mobile service and is also located at The Vine Health & Wellness Center in Moscow Idaho.

Terrain theory principles have their place, but we find the Opportunism Theory created by Asa Santiago to make much more sense with plenty of science to back it. 

A ‘dirty terrain’ generates more microbial opportunism, not more microbial cleanup crews. We believe balancing these opportunistic microbes and bringing the gut back to a ‘homeostasis,’ is the best way to have a ‘clean terrain.’

In other words, we have to kick microscopic free-loaders out or we won’t be reaching our ‘gut goals.’

Contact Us





†The statements made here have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

†The information provided on this site is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting with a qualified healthcare provider. Please consult your healthcare provider with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

†In the event of a medical emergency, call a doctor or 911 immediately. Reliance on any information provided by this website is solely at your own risk.

Individual results may vary: The information, advice, and services provided on this website are intended for general informational purposes only. Every individual is unique, and the results achieved through implementing any health recommendations or programs may vary. Factors such as individual health conditions, genetics, lifestyle choices, and adherence to the guidance provided can impact the outcomes. Therefore, any testimonials, success stories, or examples provided on this website should not be considered as a guarantee of specific results. It is important to consult with a qualified healthcare professional before making any changes to your diet, exercise routine, or lifestyle. Your own commitment, effort, and willingness to follow personalized advice and recommendations play a significant role in determining your individual outcomes.

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