About Asa Santiago

Learn more about Asa Santiago and his life philosophies, process, and personal journey to better health.

Why trust Asa with your health?

Because Asa knows what it’s like to live with chronic disease and the consequent mental illness from it. Moreover, he has relentlessly researched and experimented to find the answers to his problems and those who have trusted him in the most desperate stages of their lives.

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About Asa

Asa working with clients

Asa initially went to college to become a Natural Doctor. However, he felt that both the holistic and conventional side to medicine was prone to corruption. He then decided to drop out two years in to engage in self-study.

This concept wasn’t foreign to Asa having been raised as an ‘unschooler,’ and so he has since 2015 read at least 1 epidemiological study a day. Additionally, he has now accumulatively read several thousand studies by the year 2024. How he manages to absorb all of this information, he believes, is due to his obsessive ADD, where he hyper fixates on finding the root cause to his or a client’s problems.

Asa is a pioneer in the alternative health world with his ‘trauma diets.’ Diets that bring optimal hormonal health to the individual. He has worked with people who simply want to become more feminine or masculine, people with intensely dark sexual fantasies, and people who have serious ‘unsolvable’ chronic dis-ease.

Some professionals he has worked with: MDs, RDs, NMDs, NDs, LMTs, various blue collar workers, business owners, veterinarians, service industry workers, and so on… 

Asa's Story

Asa’s arduous journey had backed him into a corner that awakened an obsessive student of human biology. 

We all know that when the going gets tough, we can choose to give up, or fight. Asa chose the latter.


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